Join Mindstream's consumer research panelHelp shape the mind-body-spirit movement
Mindstream is dedicated to bringing mind-body-spirit disciplines into the mainstream for greater health and happiness. We serve you: the public, the professional workforce, and society at large. Our research generates reports and actionable insights on trends in beliefs and behaviours surrounding holistic wellness, the industry, and also contributes to the development of interactive tools to serve the industry and the public.

What’s involved? The research and user testing of our online content and tools may take the form of online surveys, one-on-one interviews on the phone or Zoom, and online website testing. If you join the panel, we will send an email with details whenever there is an opportunity; this is expected to be one to three times per year.

Who’s eligible? Anyone who is interested in complementary and alternative medicine, natural health therapies, spiritual growth disciplines and healing, and personal development. This covers everything within holistic health, wellness and wellbeing, such as living with purpose, positive transformation, healthy living, consciousness, divination, and related topics.

What’s in it for me? In addition to helping shape the growth of the mind-body-spirit movement into the mainstream, you will receive benefits on, such as giveaways, offers and discounts on our products and events, plus opportunities to contribute your own content.

If you would like to share your insights and experience by participating in our research and testing our innovative interactive content and tools, please join Mindstream’s Research Panel of Enthusiasts by completing this form.

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