Mindstream is on a mission to accelerate the adoption of mind-body-spirit disciplines for greater health and happiness. Educating the public and empowering the practitioners is vital to this effort. First, we must be educated on their needs and preferences, so we can serve them meaningfully.
The key to educating the public is to meet people where they are now in their beliefs and behaviours, and to bring them along a journey of discovery to see how they might improve their quality of life — whether that’s relieving pain or rising to new heights — through the myriad modalities across complementary and alternative medicine, natural health, spiritual growth practices, and personal development.
Mindstream has teamed with the University of Stirling for a research project to see if informational presented through interactive tools may help people shift attitudes and actions; in other words, to open their minds to mind-body-spirit pathways they may not have considered previously, and then try them.
We’re testing two proofs-of-concept with the public, and also testing the underlying data about the mind-body-spirit practices to gain consensus among practitioners from different disciplines.
Thank you for your willingness to help us by participating in this research.
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