This feature is part of Mindstream’s editorial package to support the Wellness Moonshot, an awareness campaign for a world free of preventable disease that’s led by The Global Wellness Institute. The April 2021 theme is HOPE.
“For our health, hope is an agent for stress-buffering and healing. As described by the Oxford Handbook of Hope, hope helps us better manage pain and a host of health challenges,” writes Renee Moorefield, CEO of Wisdom Works Group and member of the Global Wellness Institute’s advisory board. “People with high hopes are more likely to take positive actions today that empower a healthy future. This means, when your hope is elevated, you are more apt to create clear goals, identify pathways and people to support you, and sustain the determination required for meeting those goals. In essence, hope fuels the essential behaviors for making and leading positive changes, whether that’s to eat healthier and integrate movement into your day, contribute to your local community’s efforts to provide everyone access to clean water, or build new skills for adaptability in your team.” Read more on the Global Wellness Institute’s website.
This month we’ve got an essay and a collection of quotes on HOPE. Please share your thoughts by commenting below.
Don’t give up — surrender with hope By Liza Horan, Editor It would have been easier if I could just give up altogether, but some nagging positivity inside wouldn’t let me. DNA is programmed for survival, and survival relies on hope of change or a future outcome. Continue reading |
25 quotes give reason for hope Curated by Mindstream “Hope is the magic elixir that energizes dreams, fuels possibilities, and lets you live beyond the limits of your historical thinking,” writes Michael Neill. Continue reading |
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