25 quotes give reason for hope
Here’s 25 good reasons to hope. “Hope is the magic elixir that energizes dreams, fuels possibilities, and lets you live beyond the limits of your historical thinking,” writes Michael Neill.
Here’s 25 good reasons to hope. “Hope is the magic elixir that energizes dreams, fuels possibilities, and lets you live beyond the limits of your historical thinking,” writes Michael Neill.
It would have been easier if I could just give up altogether, but some nagging positivity inside wouldn’t let me. DNA is programmed for survival, and survival relies on hope of change or a future outcome.
Hope powers our ability to achieve — and it accelerates our healing. Learn more about how hope affects our mind, body, spirit. Powerful quotes from historical and contemporary thinkers provides compelling reasons to hope.
Is prosperity earned or granted? A bit of both. For me, it starts with taking care of myself to cultivate an environment to prosper. Intention, action and luck all play a part.
I’ve got five methods of helping myself prosper. Some of them are my own doing, like switching to an ‘attitude of gratitude,’ and others are external. Warning: This story includes rats!
Waking 30 minutes earlier to stretch and blocking me-time into a daily schedule are some of the ways you said you enable yourself to prosper. Read them all and add yours.
There’s no room for guilt around wanting to thrive, and our reader reflections show that they take extra care to make sure they’ve got all the pieces in place for prosperity. Knowing what works for each us seems to be the key. This is our collection of reflections for the Wellness Moonshot theme, PROSPER.
If we’re not curious, moved or inspired by experiences, are we truly living or just going through the motions? If we’re willing to let our thinking minds surrender to our senses occasionally to marvel, we may find riches.
Being willing to appreciate something without understanding or judging it, as if seeing it through fresh eyes, is the secret to mindfulness and wellbeing, says the Mindstream community. Here’s a collection of your reflections.
Positive awe has been proven to boost our wellness. Here are the facts and real-life perspectives that show a sense of wonder can boost our wellness.