This feature is part of Mindstream’s participation in the Wellness Moonshot, an awareness campaign for a world free of preventable disease that’s led by The Global Wellness Institute. Here’s our package for November 2020.

How can we nurture ourselves, each other, and our world for wellness?

Nurture means “to feed or cherish,” Renee Moorefield, Ph.D., writes on The Global Wellness Institute blog. “When you nurture something, you help it grow in a way that’s sustainable. Nurturing wellness is about inviting people to repeatedly connect with the mindset and behaviors, supportive resources, and inner dimensions of wellbeing that will bring about whole health in body, mind and spirit. It also means helping people turn their roadblocks to wellness into meaningful insights and innovations.“


Your reflections on nurturing for wellness
By Mindstream readers
We asked, and you answered. Here are your thoughts, experience and tips for nurturing yourselves and others, and the rich rewards that come from it. Continue reading
turtles on log Nurturing is a positive nudge forward
By Liza Horan
Nurturing is a process to progress. Whatever the journey, I’ve learned that it requires the ability to flex to changing conditions, plus patience, perseverance, and humility. Continue reading
woman joyfully jamming Sustainable success comes by nurturing, not neglecting, yourself
By Katie Adams
After sleep-walking into an unbalanced life that wasn’t the right fit for me, I’ve realigned. Embracing micro-moments of self-care into my days to help me nurture myself on a ongoing basis. Continue reading
baby holding mother's finger How mindfulness nurtures the journey of new motherhood
By Lottie Reeves
In the initial blur that accompanies new motherhood, I initially spent the long, dark nights scrolling social media. This wasn’t helping my already anxious brain. But a mindfulness course changed everything. Here are my practical tips. Continue reading

Learn more about The Wellness Moonshot on

The Wellness Moonshot on Image courtesy Global Wellness Institute

Mindstream invites you to join us by exploring each theme on the mission for a healthier world.

Image courtesy Global Wellness Institute.


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